Kam's Journal

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this page isn't really a second blog and more so a sub-blog of after hours, this contains more personal topics and is an extension of my blog with more frequent updates at the cost of less detail. if you wanted detail and all the cool rambling that's on the after hours blog here, though this page might also be of interest to you

also sorry for ripping off your style css m15o, your site was last updated in 2022 but i really liked the box style so decided to use it

2024-09-20 (2:33 PM EST)

Well, that was awkward. I forgot to post about yesterday! We mostly did work in the morning, so I finished up some more work I missed, and apparently I worked very fast for my first two days. I think. I also managed to score a 144 WPM on the college school keyboards and impressed a few people. I only got that once though. Still pretty impressive.

I think I might end up listening to a lot of Hurricane by Thirty Seconds to Mars today. The differences between the original solo version and the 2.0 version with Kanye West intrigue me. The kinds of corners that were changed to bring Hurricane to the album initially is amazing, and although the original has this strained verse feeling, and it's full verse feels very "desperate" sounding, Kanye adds a lot of good background vocals to the song and his verse feels more content filled than the solo version. Just a personal opinion.

I'll probably be focusing more on production since the new album has been started, and in just a few days some good progress was started. I may try to recreate the piano beat on Hurricane for a demo.

2024-09-18 (6:22 PM EST)

Well, would you look at that. I finally made an HTML Journal, like I said I would.

So it turns out that I finally got to go to college like I wanted to. It was pretty good, it wasn't pretty bad, but probably because I'm enrolled in a special program that I got into for free. I'm okay with the class I got into unlike my late middle school and literally every classroom I was put in during High School, so it's a step up and gives me a chance to actually express myself, I think is the right way to put it?

I have a blog about 2020 planned. It's the first time I did this kind of thing and I actually got the idea from my mother when we talked about quarantine. We rambled a bit about the experience of quarantine, and how it changed us as people, and what not. While I can or cannot say if the things we discussed included autism, and I believe that maybe I shouldn't say anything further, I think that that conversation really inspired me to write about how 2020 was really like on my end, especially because I am myself Autistic and benefitted a lot from the luxury of being at home. Even if it completely neutered my social life to the ground.

Still. I'm glad I got to actually try something and I'm worried that I might be cut off from my new education situation thanks to a law that was introduced years ago in my region, but hopefully I can enjoy my school life regardless. I don't know what I'm going to be able to do in the real world. I'm not confident in myself to work.

But maybe I'm just too anxious. There's a lot of my life ahead of myself after all.