Backported from a later March 2023 Blog Archive, has small changes, original blog has a last updated date of March 27th

I was catching up on some SpaceHey just seeing what good stuff there was to read. I sometimes tend to do that, because I like reading dumb shit when I feel like it. In Athen Kam fashion, I ended up finding a rant about Winamp. Apparently they got into the Crypto scene, and it looked pretty ugly. Of course, I'm not a big fan of crypto stuff, so I decided "I guess that's another program gone".

Well, I read through it, couldn't believe the bullshit about Winamp (which as of writing this, I'm uninstalling rn), and I noticed the guy actually linked this replacement called WACUP. It ran on a pretty stable build of WinAmp, added a lot of content, and expanded on it in a better way. I figured I'd give it a shot. If it was shit, well it's better than nothing. If it was good, I'd main it. Well, I downloaded it and decided to see what it was made of.

God damn, it was fun installing it when I got the time.

First off, the amount of extra features compared to the build I had previously (and now regret) installing, was kind of amazing. Already at the "check the features you want" phase, I was just trying to process what everything did. It felt way bigger than any other build of WinAmp, and it was almost like a new product. Credits to the WACUP team for all that shit they managed to cram in there, anyway.

Installed it, and still pretty amazed. I can't tell if they did changes to the setup portion, but if they did they did it alright. Had fun picking out a theme and stuff. Setting everything up was as fun, I was playing with the Discord presence thing for the past 10 minutes, it was fun. Had to manually reinstall the scrobbler plugin, but that wasn't too hard.

I'm playing with it right now. All the themes and plugins they've slammed into this thing is kind of funny. I could mess with this thing for a few hours. But hey, it works exactly for what I needed Winamp and Foobar2000 for: A music player that has Discord Rich Presence and scrobbles to Last FM.