Who Am I?

Oh... Me? You want to learn who I am? That's really nice of you, sit down, this one might be long.
So, hello. I'm Kam, also known as my (forged) online name Kameron Rager. I say online name because I don't actually like my name, so I decided to make something plausible up. And then I found Kid Cudi, and plans changed, lol.

Explaining who I am in one go is, well... A little long. At an early age I discovered technology, which would impact a lot of my life, including how I looked at doing things. At first I just wanted to play games online and play all the hot flash games of the time. Then later, I grew into wanting games but became used to parents not wanting to buy them for me, so instead I tried to get them for free, and lo and behold, malware abroad.

When I got my first laptop, then later got to pick up my own desktop computer for myself in about 2016 and 2017 respectively, I began to go nuts trying things. Being free from computer password restrictions, I pirated all the games I wanted, got all the music I wanted, and slowly developed a rabbit hole of interests over the past 6 years, eventually also learning about selfhosting, and also briefly experimented with HTML. By then, my interest in technology was set in stone.
During October of 2023, I decided to pick Neocities up and made my first site, a simple plaintext page, there was almost nothing to it's name. Then I tried Sadgurl's layout editor around I think March, and tried that too, but eventually had to put it down. I returned for a second round and created the current site design you see now. :)

My Interests


Apart from the obvious technology ramble, I've also been recently collecting CDs and ripping them to build a digital collection. I admit, I am a little bit of a pirate, coming from a household that used to pirate things by the masses, even back then. However, I do also appreciate a lot of people's works, having been interested in streaming services and distribution. Unreleased music too, the way some songs don't make the light of day intruiges me, because usually that's the artist's best work in most cases.
Internet and it's history too, I like learning a thing or two about how communication and even how power users functioned back in the day. I'm not the best power user out there, but if you've heard the names Directory Opus and foobar2000, you probably know what kind of power I like to have over my stuff. Let me customize my computer how I want, god damnit!


God, let me get STARTED on this topic!
The fun part out of the way first, I've been learning music production. I'm not FL Studio genius, nor do I own FL (I wish I did), but starting from free online tools, I think I've found my calling for electronic music. I occasionally post my favorite demos for everyone to view, because I think that's just what's owed. Gatekeeping your work isn't always it!
Not including my own works, I listen to almost any genre, mainly having been interested in rock, metal and other random genres, but I've recently been becoming increasingly interested in electronic and hip hop! My last.fm page is recommended if you want to learn more.


I've been playing video games for a while, as far as I know. I've been playing a lot of Ultrakill lately, and I'm still continuing a ten year ROBLOX spree! I have also played a long list of video games, mostly from my steam library, or even from other sources... ;)
I've tried VRChat, but considering I both do not have a mic and do not know many people who are willing to invite me to their play sessions, I slowed down. I used to be obsessed with Undertale and recently enjoyed Undertale Yellow a lot. I occasionally play Apex Legends and Overwatch but as a singleplayer title, I hate competitive games and avoid public lobbies as much as possible.
Some other games that I've been fond of before includes No More Room in Hell, Falllout: New Vegas, The Quarry, and of course, Garry's Mod. I've basically played a lot of games, so maybe you should reach out and ask me if I've played, since I often forget to put games here, lol.


Okay, here's the main part. I put most of my stuff on Resite, but I've included some essential links as well, as some people don't like URL Shorteners.

My Links

Resite.link - This is already on the sidebar. You should have saw this coming, all of the important stuff is here.
Spacehey - Basically just MySpace for teenagers. It's probably the best thing I've signed up for in a while.
Neocities Profile - If you really like this site, feel free to follow my site and you can get updates right to the Neocities home page!
Recommended Tools (redirects to SpaceHey; not ported to Neocities yet) - A bunch of software, websites and other tools I've been using on and off for a few years!
My Guestbook - Come sign your name, ask questions, and just drop by to say hi!

Other Cool Resources

Floorp Browser - You like Firefox? Used it before? Good, imagine it but faster. I cannot live without Firefox considering adblockers are going to die very fast, I don't completely like Brave and Chrome's extension store has nothing good for sidebar tabs, but Tree Style Tabs has done just as good as a job! Only thing is that Tree Style Tabs is a firefox exclusive, but many of the ROBLOX extensions I like are kind of buggy on Firefox (at least right now, but that'll change soon when RoPro v2.0 comes out), but it's a compromise I'm willing to make for now.
foobar2000 - If you were like me, you probably used those sketchy YouTube to MP3 downloaders and Windows Media Player. Foobar2000 is like the adult version of WMP, with way more features I find myself addicted to, as well as it's superior customization. You want something? Somebody's probably added it.
Nicotine+ - Wanted to get into the Soulseek scene but didn't know where to start? Or you just hate the default client? Nicotine+ has been recommended by many people, myself included, and it's a great place to start if you're looking to just learn to use Soulseek. You could also go to SoulseekQT for the retro style, but... Nicotine+ just functions better.
RustDesk - I started to despise TeamViewer as of recently due to changes in how it started handling connections. I turned to look for the replacement and as of right now, this is the only good replacement I found. Has a simple mobile app even for iOS and while it might be slightly different from what you're used to, it does what it's supposed to.
Voidtools Everything - Get rid of the old Windows Search, you can settle for more. Voidtools Everything is a replacement for Windows Search that searches the whole drive a little more efficiently by caching what's on your drive, among other things. It made it much easier to find files rather than just click around blindly hoping you find it.
Directory Opus (paid) - Windows Explorer is kind of quirky, and that's why I have Directory Opus. It can work with Voidtools Everything for windows search, among other features, like custom colors for explorer windows, folder favorites, and a lot more I can't explain just in one blog post.
Explorer++ - If you're too lazy to throw cash for Directory Opus or just can't afford it right now, Explorer++ is a good free alternative. It won't feel remotely the same but may be easier to get into.
Winamp Skin Museum - Built off the project Webamp, the Winamp Skin Museum is an interactive Winamp Skin collection in your browser! It has a bunch of obscure and common Winamp skins alike and it's a little something for your Nostalgia toolkit. It really does whip the Llama's ass!
Vesktop - If you're familiar with the Discord client mod Vencord, you might like Vesktop?

Fellow Friends!

Read alt text, it tells you where links direct to!

Not listed in any specific order.

Sky - Oh my god, where do I begin??? I'm waiting on their button so I can put a genuine button on my site, but apart from that, she's really cool! Sky is nice and passionate, and makes really cool SpaceHey bulletins documenting how her life goes! She gives great feedback and she also made me part time SpaceHey famous... Kudos to you!
LostSignal - I want to quickly thank LS for a lot of nice things on my page, including the watermark logo that was used on my site button, I'm very appreciate of it and I think you did great! LS's button is also cool and he did also contribute some help with a bit of programming stuff (nothing major, we're dumb together) and overall just feedback! It helped shape the site a lot, but more importantly I'm really thankful to have you as a friend!

Getting in Contact

This is for both friends and people looking to inquire.
The fastest to reach out is Discord, my username is kam106. no period!
If for some reason you cannot reach out through Discord, your second best bet is SpaceHey. I don't have a public email. If for whatever reason you don't have that either, sign the guestbook with your concern or comment on my Neocities profile.